
制程 眼泪


内侧副韧带, 或制程, 是宽广的, 沿膝盖内侧延伸的粗带, 从股骨(大腿骨)到点1.距胫骨(胫骨)顶部5 - 2英寸. The 制程 functions primarily to prevent the leg from extending too far inward, but it's also part of the mechanism that stabilizes the knee and allows it to rotate.

制程 injuries commonly occur when such a strong force hits the outside of the knee that it causes the 制程 – and possibly other knee ligaments, 如前十字韧带(ACL) -拉伸或撕裂.

这种情况发生在从事某些运动的人身上——比如足球, 例如, 当一个球员从侧面与另一个球员相撞时. 制程 injuries are also common in sports that require quick stops and turns, 比如足球, 篮球和滑雪. 然而,并不是所有损伤这条韧带的人都是运动员. 只是在冰上滑倒, 如果小腿伸开, 会损伤制程吗, as can repetitive smaller injuries that gradually cause the 制程 to lose its normal elasticity and become limp, 就像一个破旧的橡皮筋.


UCSF is committed to helping patients with 制程 tears return to the highest level of activity possible, 无论是每天散步还是报道NFL的训练. 我们的团队包括整形外科十大赌博平台排行榜, 初级保健运动医学十大赌博平台排行榜, 物理治疗师和运动教练. These specialists work together to tailor a treatment plan to each patient's needs and goals.

大多数制程损伤可以通过物理治疗治愈. 我们提供全方位的治疗, 包括锻炼方案, functional activity training and neuromuscular reeducation (techniques that condition the area to move normally again). Our specialists guide each patient through a personalized program designed to facilitate healing, 恢复功能,提高体能.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

An 制程 tear produces 症状 along the inner side of the knee (toward the midline of the body). 最初,你可能会经历:

  • 腿内侧砰的一声
  • 疼痛从轻微到严重的压痛或疼痛
  • 刚度
  • 肿胀
  • 关节不稳定、锁住或卡住


你的十大赌博平台排行榜可能会问你的膝盖是怎么受伤的, 受伤后感觉如何,以前有没有伤过. An exam will include checking for pain or tenderness along the inside of the knee and checking the integrity of your 制程 by exerting pressure on the outside of your knee while your leg is both bent and straight.

这取决于你膝关节的疼痛程度或松动程度, 伤情将分为以下三个级别之一:

  • 1级. 伤口处有些压痛和轻微疼痛.
  • 2级. There's noticeable looseness in the knee ("opening up" approximately 5 millimeters when manipulated), 膝盖内侧有严重的疼痛和压痛, 并且(在某些情况下)肿胀.
  • 三年级. 膝盖内侧有相当大的疼痛和压痛, along with some swelling and marked joint instability (the knee opens up approximately 10 millimeters when manipulated). 三级中交叉韧带撕裂常与前交叉韧带撕裂同时发生, 更很少, 后交叉韧带撕裂.
  • 在某些情况下, the immediate pain and swelling interfere with the doctor's ability to accurately gauge the injury's severity. 如果这是你的情况, 你可能会被要求戴一个轻型支架, apply ice and elevate your knee; in time, 肿胀和疼痛会减轻到可以诊断的程度.


    • x射线. 这可以显示其他损伤和骨损伤.
    • 磁共振成像(MRI). This test is 90 percent accurate for diagnosing 制程 injuries and may be ordered if the physical exam findings are unclear or if your doctor suspects other injuries.
    • 压力x射线. 这种检查类似于普通的x光检查, except the doctor or technician holds the knee open from the side so that any widening of the joint space will be evident on the image.



制程损伤的恢复时间取决于损伤的严重程度. 这些伤口平均需要六周才能愈合. 不管眼泪的等级, initial treatment focuses on immobilizing the knee and reducing pain and inflammation. 措施包括:

  • 休息,结冰,抬高膝盖
  • Taking oral medications that relieve pain and inflammation, such as aspirin and ibuprofen
  • Wearing a brace that allows the knee to bend while restricting side-to-side movement

有些护膝的设计是为了防止弯曲. 在这种情况下, 你需要调整你的活动,这样你就不用蹲着了, 跪下或弯腰. Try to keep your leg elevated, even when you're sitting, to bring down the swelling.

一旦疼痛和肿胀消退, 你将开始一个物理治疗项目, which will include exercises to restore strength and normal range of motion. 如果你的膝盖在做这些运动时感到酸痛, proceed slowly to prevent further irritation and consult your physical therapist.

取决于伤势的严重程度, 这些方法——休息一段时间, 支撑和物理治疗-通常足以治愈撕裂. 然而, 如果撕裂的韧带没有完全愈合, 你可能会感到不稳定,更容易再次受伤. 在极少数情况下可能需要手术.

一旦制程完全愈合, 你应该有最小的长期影响, 前提是你的膝盖没有其他损伤.


  • A grade 1 (minor) 制程 tear can take from a few days to a week and a half to heal enough for a return to normal activities, 包括体育.
  • 二级撕裂需要两到四周的时间才能愈合.
  • 三级撕裂通常需要四到八周才能愈合, 除非ACL也受损, 在这种情况下,恢复可能需要更长的时间.


而大多数制程损伤无需手术即可解决, 在某些情况下,手术是最好的治疗选择. 手术将修复或重建制程. 修复韧带, your surgeon will make an incision at the torn area and use fixation devices called suture anchors to secure the ligament back to the bone. To reconstruct the ligament, your surgeon will use tendons from either your knee or a cadaver knee.

无论做哪种手术,你都可以在当天回家. After surgery, you'll use crutches and a knee brace for about six weeks. 在术后一到两周的随访中, 你的十大赌博平台排行榜会检查你的膝盖并拆线. Recovery time depends on any related knee injuries but is generally between nine and 12 months.


  • 手术后我什么时候可以洗澡?

    You should keep your dressing on and knee dry until your first post-op visit, 这时你就可以洗澡了. But don't submerge your knee in a bathtub or swimming pool until three to four weeks have passed since your surgery.

  • 我要缝针吗??

    你的膝盖内侧要缝几针. They'll be covered by a bandage and removed at your first post-op appointment, 手术后一到两周.

  • 我什么时候可以预约复诊?

    手术后一到两周你会有一次预约. 检查将包括膝盖检查、拆线和x光检查.

  • 我应该什么时候开始物理治疗?

    手术后你应该尽快开始. 患者通常在最初的一到两周内开始一个项目, 通常是在第一次术后预约之后.

  • 我要拄拐杖多久?

    最有可能的, 你要拄拐杖六周左右, 这取决于你膝盖上的其他结构被修复了.

  • 冷敷机最能缓解疼痛吗?

    简单的结冰方法, such as placing a regular ice pack or a package of frozen vegetables on your knee (on top of the bandages) work well. 冷疗单位, 哪一种是用膝盖上的垫子让冰水循环, 也很有效, 虽然有点贵.

  • 制程手术后我什么时候可以回到学校或工作?

    Most patients return to school or desk work five to seven days after surgery. 如果你能够在家工作,你最初的恢复可能会更容易. 如果你有一份体力要求很高的工作, you may need more time for a safe recovery and medical clearance before returning to work.

  • 制程手术后我什么时候可以开车?

    那要看哪条腿动了手术. 如果是你的左膝受伤,而你开的是自动驾驶汽车, you can get behind the wheel once you're no longer taking narcotic pain medication and feel capable of driving safely. If it was your right knee, you'll probably need to wait six weeks; your surgeon can advise you.

加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.



为什么女性膝盖受伤越来越多? Researchers suspect one of the most likely causes is the way women are built. 点击这里了解更多.


虽然副韧带损伤是很难避免的, here are several steps you can take to improve the strength and flexibility of your knees.

在哪里获得护理 (2)



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    This eight-week class teaches mindfulness practices that can reduce stress and improve your overall health, 比如冥想和身体意识.



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